School Discipline Policy



Discipline is necessary for the school to make the school safe, secure and conducive for learning and to ensure that schools produce graduates with the right human values, beliefs and attitudes, as well as a strong sense of Driglam Namzha. Self-discipline is the best mechanism to influence others for inspiration and respect. Indiscipline is zero tolerance as it hinders proper learning and function of the day to day school activities. The disciplinary actions will be taken both in and out of the school premises. Therefore, it is the shared responsibility of all students, teachers and parents to exhibit good discipline at all times to accumulate karma, maintain peace and harmony and most importantly, to ensure a safe and secure school environment. However, the criminal in nature will be handled by the law of Bhutan and it is beyond our scope.


The School discipline policy will be implemented fairly and consistently through    whole school approach system to achieve the following:

  • To have safe and secure learning environment at all times

  • To avoid the disturbances to the teaching learning process

  • To develop and maintain strong relationship among the students, teachers and parents.

  • To bring about good academic performance of the students

  • To inculcate good human values and principles



The concerned teachers and school discipline committee will strictly monitor and take action based on this Discipline Policy Booklet. The zero tolerance to indiscipline is regarded as prior importance to achieve the aforementioned objectives. A proper detail report will be documented at all levels for reference and support by the concerned teachers and discipline committee. A good documentation of discipline issues should serve as a strong backbone for good management system.

Preventive Measures:

Besides the school discipline policy, the following preventive interventions will be carried on in the school to mitigate disciplinary issues.

  • Be firm and consistent in implementing school rules.

  • Provide counseling services

  • Enhance Choeshay and Driglam namzha programmes.

  • Encourage Mind training before every activity/class

  • Ensure active engagement of children

  • Strengthen SPEA program

  • Timely orientation on school discipline policy

  • Display of the offences and Sanctions

  • Talks on human values and principles

  • Scouting and life skill education

  • Institute award system in various fields.

Level 1 Offence

  1. Absenteeism

  • Absenteeism from meals

  • Absenteeism from Class/period

  • Absenteeism from the co-curricular activities

  • Absenteeism from the morning assembly

  • Absenteeism from the hostel during day time

  • Absenteeism from school

  • Studies

  • Prayer

 1. Absenteeism from the meals


1st time-   Teacher-child conference (Concerned incharge will maintain record

2nd time- Verbal warning by the concerned incharge and maintain record

3rd time- Obtain written statement from the student and maintain record.

4th time- Assign school development work and maintain record.

5th time- parent/ Guardian notification

6th time- Level 2 offence

2. Absenteeism from the class/period


1st time- teacher- child conference [maintain record by the concerned teacher]

2nd time- obtain written statement from the student. [Maintain record]

3rd time- Assign school development work. [Maintain record]

4th time- Parent/ Guardian notification and additional assignment. [Maintain record]

5th time- Level 2 offence

 Note:  8 times absent will be considered as 1 day absent in the attendance   record.

        Sanctions will be applicable to those students who have more than 90% attendance.

3. Absenteeism from the school


One day absent- Teacher-child conference

More than one day- Parents/guardian notification by the concerned class teacher assigns school development work.

Week- level 2 offence

4. Absenteeism from the co-curricular activities/hostel during day time.


1st time- staff-child conference. [Concerned incharge will maintain record]

2nd time- obtain written statement from the student. [Maintain record]

3rd time- Assign school development work. [Maintain record]

4th time- Parent/ guardian notification. [Maintain record]

5th time- level 2 offence


  1. Absenteeism from the morning Assembly/study.


1st time- Teacher-child conference. [Class teacher will maintain record]

2nd time- Obtain written statement. [Maintain record]

3rd time- Assign school development work. [Maintain record]

4th time- Parent/ Guardian notification. [Maintain record]

5th time- Level 2 offence

  1. Absenteeism from the prayers.


            1st time– Teacher-child conference. [Maintain record]

            2nd time- Obtain written statement. [Maintain record]

            3rd time- Assign school development work. [Maintain record]

            4th time- Parent/ Guardian notification. [Maintain record]

            5th time- Level 2 offence

  1. Tardiness (class, co-curricular activities and extra- curricular activities)


1st time- Teacher- child conference [Maintain record by the class teacher]

2nd time- Verbal warning [Maintain record]

3rd time- Obtain written statement from the student. [Maintain record]

4th time- Assign school development work. [Maintain record]

5th time- Parent/ Guardian notification [Maintain record]

6th time- Level 2 offence

III. Violation of school dress code


1st time- Teacher- child conference [Maintain record]

2nd time- Obtain written statement from the student. [Maintain record]

3rd time- Assign student development work. [Maintain record]

4th time- Parent/ Guardian notification. [Maintain record]

5th time- Level 2 offence

  1. Tattoo


1st time- Teacher- child conference [Maintain record]

2nd time- Obtain written statement from the student. [Maintain record]

3rd time- Assign student development work. [Maintain record]

4th time- Parent/ Guardian notification. [Maintain record]

5th time- Level 2 offence

Note: Those who already have made tattoo

  • Parent/ guardian notification by the concerned class teacher.

  1. Littering


1st time- Teacher- child conference [Maintain record]

2nd time- Verbal warning [Maintain record]

3rd time- Obtain written statement from the student. [Maintain record]

4th time- Assign school development work. [Maintain record]

5th time- Parent/ Guardian notification [Maintain record]

6th time- Level 2 offence

  1. Possession of unauthorized gadgets


1st time – seize the gadgets and notify Parents/Guardian.

2nd time- level 2 offence

VII. Possession of indecent materials


1st time- seize the material and obtain the statement.

2nd time- Parent/ Guardian notification and assign school development work.

3rd time- Level 2 offence

VIII. Negative peer pressure


1st time- teacher- child conference [concerned teacher will Maintain record]

2nd time- Peer separation with written statement. [Maintain record]

3rd time- Assign school development work           [maintain record]

4th time- Parent/Guardian notification

5th time- level 2 offence

  1. Mischief


1st time- Teacher- child conference [Maintain record]

2nd time- Obtain written statement from the student. [Maintain record]

3rd time- Assign school development work. [Maintain record]

4th time- Parent /Guardian notification

5th time- Level 2 offence

  1. Petty theft


1st time- Teacher- student conference [Maintain record]

2nd time- Obtain written statement from the student. [Maintain record]

3rd time- Assign school development work. [Maintain record]

4th time- Parent/ Guardian notification

5th time- level 2 offence

  1. Disrespectful behavior


1st time- staff- student conference [concerned incharge will Maintain record]

2nd time- obtain written statement from the student. [Maintain record]

3rd time- Assign school development work. [Maintain record]

4th time- Parent/Guardian notification [Maintain record]

5th time- level 2 offence

XII. Harassment


1st time- teacher- student conference [Maintain record]

2nd time- obtain written statement from the student. [Maintain record]

3rd time- Assign school development work. [Maintain record]

4th time- Parent/Guardian notification [Maintain record]

5th time- level 2 offence

XIII. Business transaction


1st time- teacher- student conference [Maintain record]

2nd time- obtain written statement from the student. [Maintain record]

3rd time- Assign school development work. [Maintain record]

4th time- Parent/Guardian notification [Maintain record]

5th time- level 2 offence

  1. Improper Hair style


1st time- Reminder to student

2nd time- Class Teacher will trim the hairs

3rd time- obtain written statement

4th time- parent /Guardian notification

5th time- level 2 offence

Level 2 Offence

 1. Frequent violation of level 1 offences

  1. Insubordination


  1st time: Teacher –child conferences with documentation dully signed by both.

2nd time: obtain written statement

3rd time: Discipline committee’s intervention with notification to parents.

4th time: SDC-Parent conference.

5th time: Apply level 3

  1. Possession of harmful substance


(Tobacco, alcohol, Marijuana, Dendrite, correction fluid, petrol, and    Pharmaceutical drugs)

1st time:   Child-teacher conference with undertaking letter from student.

2nd time: SDC-Parent conference

3rd time: Apply level 3

  1. Substance Abuse

(Tobacco, alcohol, Marijuana, Dendrite, correction fluid, petrol, and Pharmaceutical drugs)


1st time:  teacher-student conference with undertaking letter from student.

2nd time: SDC-Parent conference

3rd time: Apply level 3

  1. Dishonest behavior

(Using filthy language to staff or outsiders, eve teasing, harassment etc.)


  1st time:  Child-teacher conference with undertaking letter from student.

2nd time: SDC-Parent conference

3rd time: Apply level 3

  1. Sexual harassment (derogatory oral remarks)


1st time: Child-teacher conference.

2nd time: SDC-Parent conference

3rd time: Apply level 3

  1. 7. Possession of stolen property


1st time: Restoration of property to the person entitled to it and Child- teacher conference with statement.

2nd time: SDC-Parent conference

3rd time: Apply level 3

  1. Plagiarism


1st time:  Teacher-child conference

2nd time:  obtain statement from the child

3rd time:  SDC-Parent conference

4th time:  Apply level 3

  1. Trespassing


1st time: SDC-Parent conference

2nd time: Apply level 3

  1. Unruly behavior


1st time: SDC-Parent conference

2nd time: Apply level 3

  1. Reporting of false information


1st time: Teacher –child conferences with documentation dully signed by both.

2nd time: obtain written statement from the child.

3rd time: SDC-Parent conference

4th time: Apply level 3

  1. Failure to report a crime


1st time: Teacher –child conferences with documentation dully signed by both.

2nd time: obtain written statement from the child.

3rd time: SDC-Parent conference

4th time: Apply level 3

  1. Possession of lost property, mislaid or delivered by mistake


1st time: Restoration of property to the person entitled to it and Child-counselor conference

2nd time: SDC-Parent conference

3rd time: Apply level 3

  1. Inappropriate relationship


1st time: Teacher-child conference

2nd time: obtain written statement and informing parents.

3rd time: SDC-Parent conference

4thTime: Apply level 3

  1. Defamation


1st time: SDC-Parent conference

2nd time:  Apply level 3

  1. Discrimination


1st time: Child-teacher conference with maintaining record.

2nd time: Discipline committee’s intervention with notification to parents.

3rd time: SDC-Parent conference.

4th time: Apply level 3

  1. Gambling


1s t time: Child-teacher conference with undertaking letter from the student.

2nd time: SDC-Parent conference.

3rd time: Apply level 3

  1. Bullying


1st time: Child-teacher conference with undertaking letter from the students.

2nd time: Discipline committee’s intervention with notification to parents.

3rd time: SDC-Parent conference.

4th time: Apply level 3

Level 3 Offence

        Level 3: Severe violation of school rules and national laws or frequent violation of level 2 Offenses

Possible offences

  1. Frequent violation of level 2 offences.

  2. Formation of gang/Assembling for ulterior motives.

  3. Physical fighting and gang fights/stabbing.

  4. Damage to property (Vandalism).

  5. Malpractice in exams.

  6. Break-ins/Auto-stripping

  7. Possession & Display of harmful weapons.

  8. Manhandling the staff.

  9. Attempting Suicide.

  10. Sexual Harassment

Possible Sanctions (One or more sanctions can be applied as is appropriate)

  1. Undertaking letter from the child with information to the parents.

  2. Replacement of damage properties/Child should recompense the full cost of the damaged properties and severe punishment of 10% will be added to the actual cost of the property.

  3. Undertaking letter from parent/guardian.

  4. Suspension for 12 days with assignments from the respected subject teacher.

  5. Criminal case will be handed over to the police.

  6. Expulsion with remarks noted on transfer certificate.